Friday, August 3, 2012

My First Kitchen

We went and got some beautiful flowers from Trader Joe's tonight, 
can I tell you how nice it is to live in California?! 
 My newly refurbished table as of two days ago, and mismatched chairs!

I had to show everybody my new favorite things, they are vintage salt & pepper shakers from my grandma, we have used them a lot so far, because our first meal I made for the two of us wasn't such a hit(: 
 The raviolis were a little bland.

Anthropology knock off

My mother and me were looking through anthropology last week and we encountered these awesome jars, I said to myself, I can do that!! 

 So I got a few of my own mason jars, poured some paint in and did a little finger painting, they turned out great!  I don't know what they are for but I chose to put some tea lights in the bottom, and lit them up.